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The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Neal and ALF meet for the first time.

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face is the eighth episode of ALF's fourth and final season. It originally aired on Nov. 6, 1989.

Plot Summary[]

Neal finally gets his own apartment, but continues to hang around Willie's house incessantly. Because of this, Willie decides that it would be best to introduce ALF and Neal.


The family is having dinner, but ALF is not there yet, so Kate calls him over. They discuss Neal's new apartment. Brian says he misses the camper.

Act One[]

Kate is giving Neal some things for his apartment. Neal notices that the old iron she gave him is one he gave her for her wedding, and is happy for the gift. Neal mentions his new job as a handyman for his landlady. Neal asks them if they want to stay over, to which they decline.

ALF is in the attic and Willie comes up to look for more things for Neal. He finds an old fan, which ALF doesn't want Neal to take. Willie asks why and ALF says he uses it to scrape his calluses. Willie then tells him to keep it. ALF says he's feeling unwelcome because Neal's frequent visits make ALF uneasy about hiding all the time. Neal comes up and talks to Willie, and they both go downstairs. ALF comes out from his hiding place and complains about Neal again

The family sits down to dinner and Kate tells Neal he's eating at his own place. The others then ask ALF why he's downstairs expecting Neal to be there too. ALF then talks more about how long he's been gone, and then Neal rings the doorbell. ALF hides in the kitchen and Neal mentions he needs a couple more tools for his handyman job. Neal notices the empty chair and extra plate, so they invite him to stay for dinner. Lynn goes into the kitchen to get the meatloaf, and ALF complains again about Neal.

Act Two[]

Willie gets ready for work and notices some noises coming from outside. Kate then tells him Neal has been at the house since 6AM painting their garbage cans. Kate is now complaining about Neal too. Neal comes in to suggest a topiary garden, to which Willie says might be against their zoning laws. Kate then reminds Willie about his promise to ALF and, and Willie says he's just being close-minded. Willie goes upstairs to talk to ALF who is packing a suitcase. ALF says he's leaving, and Willie tells him about how Neal is family and ALF says he feel like a pet, and that his feelings are being disregarded. Willie then says that because this is going to be going on indefinitely, that he should just introduce the two. ALF turns the idea down, so Willie tells him they either meet, or ALF will stay up in the garage.

That night, the family is talking to ALF and saying Neal is coming over to meet him. They want him to be in the kitchen when Neal is there at first so they can prepare him. Neal shows up, and Willie to tells him to sit down. Willie then says they have an alien living living them. Neal dismisses it as a joke, but then the family insists it's true. Willie then goes to the kitchen door to call ALF out but he doesn't respond yet, and Neal pretends to see him. Brian then goes to look for ALF, but then he comes out and says hi to Neal. He's dumbfounded and remarks about how he's being insulted by an alien.

ALF tells Neal he's heard about his good cooking, and Neal asks if he eats like Earthlings. Neal says this is the most exciting thing that happened to him, and ALF tells him to get a life. Kate remarks disapprovingly and ALF says they're all family who should take it ok.


ALF and Neal are playing chess and Neal asks ALF about him having 8 stomachs. Neal then asks a question about how the bishop moves, and ALF gives him a bad answer so he can cheat and win.

Title Reference[]

"The First TIme Ever (I Saw Your Face)" is a song by Vikki Carr.
