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Ochmoneks with Jake

The Boy Next Door is the fourteenth episode of ALF's second season. It originally aired on January 4, 1988.



The Tanners are playing charades. Willie, Lynn, and Brian try to know what Kate is doing. Kate is giving clues and Brian answers, correctly, that the film’s title is The Birds. ALF knows it’s not fair that Brian got it right, because Kate was giving him signals to help him guess. Then it’s ALF’s turn and he indicates that it’s a movie title and then points at himself. Nobody guesses correctly so he reveals that it’s The Man Who Would be King.

Act One[]

The doorbell rings and ALF is sent to the kitchen. The Ochmoneks come by with their nephew Jake. He's just from New York and staying with them while his father Cyril is in jail for the next 5 years.

Kate and Mrs. Ochmonek go into the kitchen to make some iced tea for everyone, and she reveals how happy she is to be a mother. Mrs. Ochmonek explains to Kate that she’s always wanted children, but, ultimately, they decided not to have kids so that Mr. Ochmonek could get his master’s in art history.

Kate makes a friendly offer to Mrs. Ochmonek that if she has any questions, she knows where to find her. Mrs. Ochmonek immediately pulls out a piece of paper with questions.

Lynn talks to Jake for a while about the fact that they’ll be attending the same school while Brian adjusts to the role he’ll play.. Mr. Ochmonek and Willie go into the bedroom to speak in private, and a couple of funny things happen here. ALF is climbing in the window using Lucky as a stepstool. Willie sees ALF, he quickly slams the door on Mr. Ochmonek, who was following right behind, and orders ALF to hide. Letting Mr. Ochmonek in he afitms a cover story about the bed not being made. He tells Willie he’s nervous about raising Jake, and suspects he stole a bag of peat moss from their living room. He's worried might end up in jail too. Willie offers to help with Jake, maybe give him a good talk and straighten him out, and Mr. Ochmonek accepts the offer.

Then we’re treated to some really odd, almost aggressive anti-flirtation between Jake and Lynn. The Ochmoneks are getting ready to leave and the Tanners invite Jake to to come back later for some cake. Jake then ask Lynn if she'll to pop out of the cake for him.

That night ALF is at the kitchen table with Jake's cake chanting" Cake, cake, cake.” and told he can't have it. ALF talks about how Jake is a deliquent and destined for prispon , he “sneakily” pulls the tablecloth so that the cake moves closer to him.

That night Jake sneaks into Tanner's garage to steals their telescope. Jake then has to hide, because ALF comes into the garage, singing Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" and moonwalking. He then turns on the shortwave radio and talks to his friend in Scotland who just learned Madonna's "Papa don't Preach" on the bagpipes. Jake sees ALF and is ordered to drop the telescope.

Act Two[]

Jake tells ALF to stay away, and ALF tells him not to leave or he''ll be accused of breaking the telescope so Jake offers to repair the telescope, and pleads with ALF not to bite him. ALF then sees that as good way to threaten him to keep him secret. Jake says that his dad could fix anything, particularly horse races which is why he's in jail. Jake finishes the repair, and starts to leave. ALF introduces himself and reminds Jake not to say anything. ALF then looks at himself in a mirror and snarls.

At the Ochmoneks house. Jakee crumples up some sheets of blank paper and throws them into Raquel's aunt's urn, after putting the ashes into a Dixie Cup. He sees ALF through the window and sends Raquel upstairs. ALF gives Jake a tape recorder, can opener and blender, to fix. Mrs. Ochmonek hears him talking to somebody, and he calls to her that it’s just the TV. ALF, to keep up the illusion, shouts, “Live from New York! It’s Saturday night!”. He then invites Jake over for a cat barbecue.

The next day Willie is ignoring Lynn talk about her upcoming birthday. ALF sings "Lynn wants boots for her birthday"

Trevor knocks on their door with Jake and Willie's tape recorder, saying he found it in Jake's room, accusing him of stealing it. Willie starts to interrogate him but ALF summons him into the kitchen to let him know that he gave the items to Jake to be fixed, and that Jake won't tell anyone because he intimidated him, repeating his snarl from before. Willie sees that Jake removed the Jell-o from their coffee maker too. Willie returns to the living room and apologizes and tells Trevor that Jake is a "little Mr. Fix-it" to which Lynn mocks. Trevor then suggests that Jake fix their Chritmas lights and outdoor PA system. A bread biscuit then flies through he air and hits Willie, ALF says it's because he did the Heimlich Manuver on himself.


ALF is assembling a jigsaw puzzle of Mickey Mouse and forces a piece in the wrong place. Lynn says that Mr Ochmonek found the missing peat moss in their living room, and Jake fixed her hair dryer, and that he's fixing everthing. We then hear Trevor loudly doing a sound check on his now-fixed PA system


Title Reference[]

"The Boy Next Door" is a song from the movie musical Meet Me in St. Louis.
