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Tequila is the twenty-fourth episode of ALF's second season. It originally aired on March 28, 1988.



Kate preparing for a visit from her old college roommates and ALF and Lynn are polishing the silver. ALF asks if the smudge police are coming over. Willie knocks on the door to be let in as they're carrying groceries

Brian and Willie notice that ALF wrote on the wall and said WELCOME DORM QUEENS Still the age of Aquarius. Kate’s gasp of horror when she notices it.

Kate calls her pals and arranges to meet them at a restaurant on their old campus because "her decorator got carried away" At the cafe they chat about their lives. As soon as the other two depart, Kate starts telling Maura how proud they all are of her, and of what she’s accomplished. Maura begins to cry, admit that her husband had a fight and needs a place to stay. She calls home to tell Willie that a friend Maura will be spending the night.

Willie is covers ALF's sign with paint, when she calls, and while Willie is on the phone, ALF climbs the ladder with a bucket of paint and fell off the ladder and the paint spread on the couch. Willie sets up a spare cot for Maura to sleep on, and has ALF spend the night in Brian's room. Tthey tell her that their couch is being cleaned, Maura and Lynn about law cases she has done.

That night ALF gets a snack from the fridge and and Maura is drinking tequila in the kitchen where he happily greets him as if she knows him.

Act Two[]

It revealed that Maura assumes ALF is her imaginary drinking buddy named Sammy and invites him to have a drink. Maura tells ALF — who she still thinks is Sammy — that he shows up whenever she drinks, arriving around the third margarita and leaving sometime during her blackout. ALF tastes the tequila and is horrified at it's strength. That morning, Willie and Kate hear ALF stumbling drunkenly around the house. ALF comes into the room and they found out that he have a hangover and said that he was drinking with Maura who he called a booze hag which greatly upsets Kate.

As Kate goes to the bathroom to freshen up, Willie remembers that in college, they used to call Maura “Boilermaker” because she drank 14 boilermakers in one night. As Kate comes out the bathroom, ALF runs to the bathroom to vomit. Willie tells Kate that he believes ALF is right about Maura being an alcoholic because of the college nickname. Kate is surprised because of how successful Maura is, but Willie points that she’s also miserable at the same time and Kate decided to talk to her.

At breakfast, Lynn asked Willie to drive her to school since her friend car broke down (one of the flange gaskets is leaking gas on the intake manifold,) Willie agrees, and Lynn tells Maura how she'd like to be like her someday, Maura starts crying again which led Willie to guide Lynn out of the room.

Kate confronts Maura about her drinking problem. Kate gently asks her how much she drank, leading the conversation without being confrontational. Maura defends herself by saying she’s under a lot of stress and is fighting with her husband.

ALF is eavesdropping on the conversation and hears Maura lie about how much she had. ALF enters the room, and confronts her about her drinking. Kate pretends she doesn't see ALF and Maura tells her that she's seeing her imaginary drinking . Maura reveals she's had a problem for 7 years and that it's what she and her husband, John fight about. ALF appeals to Maura’s sadness and desperation, and gets her to admit she has a problem and Kate suggests she contact a clinic. ALF tells Maura he hopes she never sees him (Sammy) again.


A cheese catalog arrives for ALF letter arrives from Maura, who assures the Tanners that even though it’s hard getting over her problem, she’s doing great and will be back soon. Kate thanks ALF and tells him that they owe him “a big one” which ALF demands a large cheese log.


Title Reference[]

  • "Tequila" was a 1958 song by The Champs.


  • ALF originally wanted to drink beer in the pilot episode. However, he is against beer now that he knows of the negative effects of alcohol.
  • The nickname for Maura was swapped by "Daiquiri" in the Brazilian dub, including the fact that she drank 14 Daiquiri shots.