ALF Wiki
Neep at the Races

"Neep at the Races"

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Season 1, Episode 10 of ALF: The Animated Series.



Gordon says this story is about some of his favorite things.


When Neep runs past a motorcycle gang led by the nefarious Snake, Gordon realizes that Neep has what it takes to compete in dog races. Gordon convinces Snake and his cronies to invest the money for Neep to compete. Neep wins the race, but Gordon, Skip, Rick, and Neep must run away when Gordon crashes into the gang's motorcycles at the end of the race.


ALF tries to explain the difference between housepets and food, but is scolded by an off-camera voice.

Background information[]

Production history[]

  • Premiere airdate: December 12, 1987


  • Gordon describes Melmac Memories: “It’s all about my misspent youth on Melmac.”
  • Neep was previous kicked out of four “dog obedience schools.”
  • Rick says he “took four years of ‘applied appliance’ in nursery school."
  • The currency used in South Toaster was called a "hose." Gordon did not know how many hoses were in a wernick. One was described as “having enough hose to pay [a] bill.”
  • Gordon says “It’s only a cartoon,” breaking the fourth wall.
  • In the closing credits, “Melmacian” is pronounced correctly.

Links and references[]


Additional voices[]

  • Len Carlson
  • Don Francks
  • Michael Fantini
  • Stephen McMulkin
  • Greg Morton

Unidentified voice actors[]

  • Banana driver
  • Mrs Doghouse
  • Meat Hook
  • Neep
  • Snake


air conditioning; apple; Appliance (language); ankles; Bagapaws; banana; barber; barking; bathroom; battery; bike; Bill’s Finger; Bite the Wax Tadpole; border; broom; burger; car; cat; cat dog; Cata-Cola; catcher’s mitt; chew toy; chili cat; chips; chopper; Code Blue; criminal; deep fryer; defroster; dictionary; Disseminated Intravascular Coagulations; dog; dough; Eddie's Cats-Up Diner; Empire Blender Building; exercise; Fallen Arches; fat; fender; Finnegan’s Wake; flange flexer; fork; formica; fruit; Fruit Fryer; fry; funnel; garage; General; glasses; grandstand; gymnasium; Hat Attack; hiccups; hood ornament; hose; hotel; hurricane; ice maker; invention; iron; jail; Kasa-Bla; knob; Laughing Gravy; lettuce; linoleum; Little Toejam; luck; mayo; Melba Toast; mustard; meter; monkey bar; money; monsoon; nose; nozzle; obedience school; pattycake; peck; peach; Pear Ubu; peasant; percolator; Peter Piper’s Pickled Peppers; Plastic (language); pooch; popcorning; pussycat; quarantine; racing hound; racing papers; room service; Santa Tizek Vespa Sweepstakes; scale; shaft; Shave the Weasel; shower; singer; slammer; Slick & Slop; snout; song; sourdough; South Toaster; stall; stomach; Tabby; taxi; toast; toaster; toe curler; Tourist Court; track; waffle iron; watch; Wood House Obedience School; wind sprint; woofing timer; workshop

Framing sequence references[]

carpet; cat; food; house pet; Lucky; Melmac Memories; vespa

External links[]
