ALF Wiki
ALF hypnotizes Lucky

ALF hypnotizes Lucky to make him think he is a bagel.

Lucky the Cat is the Tanner family pet in the ALF TV series. After ALF comes to live with the Tanner family, Lucky's existence becomes somewhat more precarious, since cats are a cullinary delicacy on Melmac.

Once during a feeding frenzy, ALF is believed to have eaten Lucky, but he is later found. ALF ran off looking in the outside world, but is caught by a pet catcher who doesn't know what kind of creature ALF is. ALF tricked the pet catcher into releasing him so that he can grab the cat that looks like Lucky to bring home. (Episode: Looking for Lucky)

Lucky passes away in the fourth season (Episode 4x09 "Live and Let Die") and the Tanners get a new cat and name it Lucky II.
