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Home Away from Home

"Home Away from Home"

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Season 1, Episode 13 of ALF: The Animated Series.

When his parents go away on vacation, Gordon is left to babysit his siblings.



To follow...


To follow...


To follow...

Background information[]

Production history[]

  • Premiere airdate: January 16, 1988


  • This installment of Melmac Memories ends with the phrase, "And then the cat fell fast asleep on the dinner plate. The End." Gordon says “they” made him edit his book to remove this.
  • An announcer says that Tuesday is the start of another weekend.
  • Bob breaks the fourth wall and asks whether it is "illegal to sell a kid."
  • When the kitchen gets flooded, Gordon demonstrates that he is a capable swimmer.
  • The Shumways' elderly neighbors are shown.
  • The Shumways' house is described as "Orange Mango." There is also reference to a "Blue Mango" model.
  • The plane Gordon obtains from Lloyd's is a 200-year old spring-launched model. Since thee animated episodes take place in 1950/1951, this means Melmacians have had powered flight technology at least since the 1750s.
  • The wernick symbol appears above the sales office.
  • Polyester Flight 42 had stops at Dat Ron Bok, The Nylons, and East Velcro.
  • Bob enjoys war movies.
  • The movie Hellcats of the Navy depicts Orbit Guard aircraft.

Links and references[]


Additional voices[]

  • Rob Cowan
  • Don Francks
  • Dan Hennessey
  • Stephen McMulkin
  • Greg Morton

Unidentified voice actors[]


apron; bandage; bank; blimp; Blue Mango; book; Cantfayl; car; carpet; Cartoons; cat fritters; checkbook; cheese; Cheryl; clutch; coach; colander; commander; commercial; condo; coupe; Dat Ron Bok; dishwasher; East Velcro; fish; fumigation; fur; garage; Grump, The; hand; Hellcats of the Navy; homing pigeon; Johnson and Johnson; kitty cookies; kitty litter; Kity Bitz; Lloyd’s; Long’s Pizza; Melmac (planet); milk; nose; Nylons, The; Orange Mango; Orbit Guard; Petty, Larson; pipe; plate; Polyester Inn; Polyester Islands; power wall; private; rat; Regency Grand; RF; schnecken valve; sidewinder; skyhook; slime ball; snout; stalactite; stir-fry; stir-fryer; steam clean; Tabby; tan; Tuesday; truck; TV; vacation; vinyl; Vinyl Village; war; wernick; Z9000 All-Purpose Kitchen Widgen

Framing sequence references[]

Lucky; Melmac Memories

External links[]
