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Oh Pretty Woman

Oh, Pretty Woman is the seventh episode of ALF's second season. It originally aired in November 2, 1987.

Plot Summary[]

ALF helps Lynn boost her self-confidence by enrolling her in a beauty pageant.


ALF is watching a beauty pageant on TV and Willie explains what's going on.

Act One[]

Lynn comes home upset that her date, Rick, left her to dance with another more attractive woman, Cindy Bennett Kate hugs to console her, and then ALF says that Rick was jerk what he did. Kate says that at a dance she was at a guy left his date to dance with her. Lynn is not satisfied, but Willie says that it meas she's too good for Rick. ALF continues to watch the pageant and mistakes Miss Bulgaria for John Candy.

Later ALF is trading bouillabaisseball cards with Brian and the phone rings. Its the Miss Southland Pageant calling for ALF . He's entered Lynn in the contest, and that she should change into something for the pageant coordinator is on her way over. He says the he entered her so she could feel better about how she looks, and convinces her to talk to the coordinator when she arrives. On the application, ALF had included clog dancing as one of her talents not knowing what it is. Lynn still is unwilling until ALF mentions the winner gets a scholarship and a car.

Talking the coordinator, Miss Bartley they learn more about the contest and that Lynn has a good chance of winning, but she needs to leave because her hostess shift starts at the Pizza Barge. Willie learns from ALF that there is a $200 registration fee

Act Two[]

In the garage Lynn is practicing the clog dancing with ALF as her coach. Getting tired she moves on to some of the questions that the judges might ask her. ALF, Brian and Willie are in the living room, and Kate walks in with Lynn. She's all dressed for the pageant, and are getting ready to go. ALF asks to take a picture before Lynn and her parents leave, but they grow impatient because on his home planet, people count to 21 instead of 3 before taking a picture.

ALF and Brian are at home waiting for Lynn to come home. They play hide and seek but ALF never having played before doesn't know how. Lynn, Willie and Kate come home announcing she came in last place. She goes into her room upset, and ALF tries to come in but the door is locked. Lynn lets him in and he talks to her. Lynn says she must have been nuts for thinking she had a chance of winning, and ALF says she should have won because he never seen anyone more beautiful than her having traveled all over the universe. Willie comes into tell her the same thing, because the judges never counted any of the important things about her.


ALF is in the kitchen and asks Kate how she thinks he looks. She says if they were the same species and single that she'd ask him out.


  • ALF: My Grandma Shumway once said: "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"... And then she never spoke to me again.

Title Reference[]

"Oh, Pretty Woman" is the title of a song by Roy Orbison and Bill Dees.
