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Captain Bobaroo

"Captain Bobaroo"

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Season 1, Episode 9 of ALF: The Animated Series.



In a live action framing sequence, ALF, in the present, asks the audience if their parents embarrassed before he says the next chapter of Melmac Memories is about a time his father embarrassed him.


A bump on the head has Bob Shumway thinking he is a "Captain Kangaroo"-esque TV show host.


Back in the present, ALF asks if the story is over to which it is, much to his relief. He says that parents do the strangest things and tells him that to let him know if their parents want them to do something embarrassing. He says, "We got to stick together on this."

Background information[]

Production history[]

  • Premiere airdate: December 5, 1987


  • This is the first appearance of ALF's maternal grandparents.
  • In the closing credits, “Melmacian” is pronounced correctly.

Links and references[]


Additional voices[]

Unidentified voice actors[]

  • Boingo
  • Flo's father
  • Flo's mother
  • Harry
  • Leaping Lex Lilliput
  • Mister Boss
  • Neep
  • Tiny Tim Thompson


balloon; banana; basement; bat; bird; Bronson Tartarsauce; Callico cream; Captain Bobaroo; Captain Bobaroo’s Funhouse; card; carp chips; castle; chicken; clown; coffee; cup; dark wash machine; doctor; East Velcro; featherweight; fights; fireman; Funny Rabbit; Golly Gopher; gopher dance; High Bosch; horn (instrument); inventor; jacket; joke; knock-knock joke; light wash machine; Maison Spatula; mayonnaise; mayonnaise dance; mayonnaise spring; medal; Meet the Shumways; Mellman’s; Melmac Broadcasting Company (MBC); movie; Mrs Moose; network; Orbit Guard; parsley; party; Persian cream; Pete Bruegel; phone; pie; producer; puppet; rabbit; script; Skelch Medical Pavilion; sitcom; snail; snail bits; slug; slug chips; slug juice; sports; star; suspenders; tomato; toy; train; vacuum cleaner; Wernick; wig; writer

Framing sequence references[]

camera; Bobby; bug; ladder; Melmac (planet); Melmac Memories; Ricky; shoe; Susan; telephone; TV

External links[]
