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Can I Get a Witness

Can I Get a Witness? is the fifteenth episode of ALF's second season. It originally aired on January 11, 1988.



The family is watching a football game on TV and since it's almost halftime Willie, Brian and ALF all go outside to play some in the backyard. ALF keeps belching because that's how people applaud on Melmac.

Act One[]

Willie and Brian come back in because ALF was telling them to do silly things. ALF throws the football through the open kitchen window and he smashes the plate on the table, and Kate tosses it back out.

Later In the kitchen, ALF me mentions he worked up an appetite playing football alone for so long, and Kate tells him he better not have trampled her flowerbeds. He says he didn’t, and that she shouldn’t worry, but she tells him to show her his feet, which have trampled flowers on the bottom of them

Mrs. Ochmonek comes over and wants to know who kicked a football through her window. Willie then offers to pay for it. Since they can’t say it was ALF, they blame it on Brian, and Mrs. Ochmonek says that this behavior should be nipped in the bud. ALF hands Kate the flowers he ruined, using a soda can as a vase, then he apologizes.

Willie then attempts to play it cool, and asks ALF where their football is. ALF replies, matter-of-factly, “Behind your back.” The family confronts ALF and tells him that they know he broke the Ochmoneks’ window, but he says he didn’t. He does have a theory, though: at one point he kicked the football up…and it never came down. After a pause, Lynn asks what his theory is, and he replies “gravity failure.”

Willie argues that the football did come back down, land in the Ochmoneks’ yard, and then broke the window. Lynn steps in to stop Willie from jumping to conclusions by saying, there is no proof, to which ALF says could have been done by Lynn. ALF the offers some alternate theories, including that The Ochomoneks invited Ella Fitzterald over and that her singing caused the window to break, or that Doug Henning was over. ALF is stopped form giving his 18 other theories. Brian comes in finds out about the broken window and they ask if he broke the window.

ALF is told he's not allowed to watch TV. When ALF demands a trial maintaining his innocence., and Willie says he’ll be the judge. ALF doesn’t want that, because Willie already thinks he’s guilty, so Lynn asks, suggests Kate being the judge to which ALF accepts. Kate refuses, but then ALF says he'll accept her verdict and sentence. Kate then announces the trial will happen the next day after breakfast. He then starts kissing up to win her favor

Act Two[]

ALF gets until the next morning to prepare his case. Brian’s the bailiff, and he announces Kate, who comes in from the kitchen with a meat mallet as a gavel.

Willie then makes an opening statement that ALF broke the window, and ALF makes an opening statement with the history of what he percives as injustices including Adam and Eve being falsely accused of eating the forbidden fruit.` Willie then speaks about ALF’s history of destructive behavior,

Willie then asks ALF if he has an alibi, to which ALF responded he never heard the sound of glass breaking. Willie then debunks ALF theory about Ella Fitzgerald saying she was out of town, and ALF asks if he knows where Beverly Sills was. ALF calls Lynn and Brian to the stand as a witnesses and bribes Brian. ALF then cross-examines himself. Kate finds ALF guilty, and sentences him to one month with no TV. Later that morning ALF is re-enacting a scene The Golden Girls with hand puppets. Lynn comes in and ALF asks her to turn on the music so he can do and "Dance Fever" using some dolls on a clothesline. ALF continues to maintain his innocence to Lynn. Mr. Ochmonek comes over to speak to Brian and confesses that he actually broke the window. He didn’t want to tell his wife that that he was the one who smashed it, because he still wants her to see him as a football hero. After all, he played for seven years in high school. He then tells Willie that he wanted to make things right with the Tanners, since Raquel was hitting them up for the repair money. The Tanners then say they should apologize to ALF, and we hear the sound of something breaking


Willie comes home and sees ALF watching three television sets at the same time He tells ALF to turn two of them off because it wastes electricity. Willie goes into the kitchen and ALF asks him to check on his three TV dinners.


Title Reference[]

"Can I Get a Witness?" is a song by Marvin Gaye.
