Augie Shumway was a Melmacian girl.
She was the daughter of Bob and Flo Shumway, and the little sister of Gordon and Curtis.
- "Phantom Pilot"
- "Hair Today, Bald Tomorrow"
- "Gordon Ships Out"
- "Birdman of Melmac"
- "20,000 Years in Driving School"
- "Pismo and the Orbit Gyro"
- "Pride of the Shumways"
- "Captain Bobaroo"
- "Salad Wars"
- "Tough Shrimp Don't Dance"
- "Home Away from Home"
- "Flodust Memories"
- "Family Feud"
- "Clams Never Sang for My Father"
- "A Mid-Goomer Night's Dream"
- "The Bone Losers"
- "Thank Gordon for Little Girls"
- "He Ain't Seafood, He's My Brother"
- "The Slugs of Wrath"
- "Skipper's Got a Brand New Dad"
Augie was voiced by Paulina Gillis. The name "Augie" means "great" or "magnificent."