ALF Wiki

The following article is about the character ALF, for information about the TV series ALF please go to ALF (TV series).


ALF or Gordon Shumway


Gordon Shumway, nicknamed ALF (abbreviation of Alien Life Form), is an alien from the planet Melmac.

ALF was born on October 28, 1756 (According to the Melmacian Calendar, he was born on the 28th of Nathinganger). ALF's body is covered with rust-colored fur (he once described his color as burnt sienna), but has implied that it is not his natural color. (ALF: "A.L.F.") He has a rippled snout, facial moles, eight stomachs and he likes to eat cats. He is about three feet tall. (ALF: "A.L.F.")

He attended Melmac High School for 122 years, where he majored in software and pedestrian crossing, and was captain of a Bouillabaisseball team (which is played on ice using shellfish as a ball).

ALF is troublesome, sarcastic and cynical, and sometimes he puts himself at the risk of being discovered while doing some of his often unintentional pranks. Before he met Rhonda, his girlfriend, he was engaged to Ruby.

First Job/Worst Job: Apprentice Lint Brush

Marital Status: Single...but still looking

Birthplace: Planet Melmac (Lower East Side)

Most Irrational Fear: Rhode Island

Personal Heroes: Bob the Great and Lassie

Parents: Bob and Flo Shumway (Married Twangle 12)

Siblings: Curtis (Brother)

Pets: Stinky (Vespa, a type of three legged dog on Melmac)

With the Tanners

One day ALF followed an amateur radio signal to Earth and crash-landed his ship into the garage of the Tanner family. The Tanners are a suburban middle class family consisting of the social worker Willie, his wife Kate, their children Lynn and Brian, and their cat Lucky. Since the crash-landing the Tanners have helped take care of ALF and hide him from the Alien Task Force, a secret U.S. military organization that tracks down alien creatures.

Behind the Scenes

ALF was last seen appearing on Fox Network with Bill O'Reilly in November 2007.

See Also

Series and Movies

Additional Articles
